Removing the TrueDepth camera

Apple iPhone X

  1. iPhone X - Removing the TrueDepth camera  01
    iPhone X - Removing the TrueDepth camera  02
    iPhone X - Removing the TrueDepth camera  03
    Used tools
    Heat gun
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Steel Laboratory Spatula

    The TrueDepth camera forms one unit with the infrared sensor and the Face ID. It is hooked into the rear case on both sides. The integrated flex cable is glued to the bottom of the back cover.

    1. Use tweezers to carefully unhook the TrueDepth camera and Face ID unit.
    2. Heat the glued flex cable and loosen it bit by bit with a steel spatula until you can remove the entire unit from your iPhone.

    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Steel Laboratory Spatula

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