Removing the back cover
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018)
- The back cover’s really glued to the chassis. Heat the device evenly with hot air to soften the glue. A temperature of 60 - 80°C should be sufficient. As a rule of thumb, you should still be able to touch your device without it being uncomfortably hot.
- The easiest way to loosen the back cover is to use a flat and flexible tool such as the iPlastix or iFlex. You will also need several picks to unstick the back cover all around.
- Heat the spot where you start and place a flat tool between the back cover and the frame.
The iPlastix is made of plastic, so it won't scratch the device. On the other hand, it's very soft and tricky to insert.
Be extra careful, the back cover can break very easily. If necessary, apply the heat several times and try again. Removing the back cover might take half an hour. Take a little more time and work carefully to make sure you don't break anything.
- Once the tool is inserted, stick a pick into the gap to keep it open. Then run the tool around the entire edge to gradually loosen the glue.
- Then heat the next part and insert the picks one by one.
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