Having trouble charging your iPhone 7? Your device is no longer recognized by your computer?

Don't panic! In this photo tutorial we explain step by step how you can replace the defective Lightning connector of your iPhone on your own.

This repair is also helpful if you can no longer be understood when making a phone call, because the microphone and Lightning connector share a common cable set.

You can find a high-quality Lightning connector for your iPhone 7, as well as the matching tool kit, in our online store.

Good luck with your repair!

Required tools

  • Tool for prying out batteries

    Tool for prying out batteries

    You have to use a very stable tool to pry out the battery. At the same time, it has to be flat enough to insert below the battery.

    from €10.99 on Amazon
  • Heat gun

    Heat gun

    You can use a heat gun to heat parts that are glued on so they’re easier to remove. In most cases, you can also use a hairdryer.

    from €15.99 on Amazon
  • For storing screws

    For storing screws

    We recommend storing your screws so you don’t mix up the various screws and small parts.

    from €10.99 on Amazon
  • Menda ESD Spudger

    Menda ESD Spudger

    You need a flat plastic prying tool to disconnect the various plugs and connectors.

    from €26.38 on Amazon
  • Tweezers


    We recommend using tweezers to remove screws and various small parts from your device.

    on Amazon
  • Pick Set

    Pick Set

    You need a flat but stable tool such as a pick to pry out parts that are glued in place.

    from €14.99 on Amazon
  • SIM Tool

    SIM Tool

    If you want to use a different SIM card or repair most parts of your Apple devices, you’ll have to remove the SIM card first. The SIM card tray only comes out if you insert a tool with a very fine point into the small hole next to the SIM card slot. This tool is designed especially for ejecting the SIM card from all iPhones and iPads, and fits perfectly into the appropriate opening.

    on Amazon
  • Steel Laboratory Spatula

    Steel Laboratory Spatula

    You need a flat and sturdy prying tool to disconnect glued parts.

    on Amazon
  • Pentalobe PL1 screwdriver

    Pentalobe PL1 screwdriver

    You need the right screwdriver for removing pentalobe PL1 screws.

    on Amazon
  • Phillips PH00 screwdriver

    Phillips PH00 screwdriver

    You need the right screwdriver for removing PH00 screws.

    from €10.84 on Amazon
  • Y-type Y000 screwdriver

    Y-type Y000 screwdriver

    You need the right screwdriver for removing Y-type screws.

    on Amazon

Required replacement part

Show all replacement parts for the iPhone 7 

Getting started with the repair of your iPhone 7

If you get stuck or have questions, you can post a comment. We’d be happy to help.

37 steps
  1. Switching off your iPhone 7

    iPhone 7 - Switching off your iPhone 7 01
    iPhone 7 - Switching off your iPhone 7 02
    iPhone 7 - Switching off your iPhone 7 03
    1. In order to protect your device from short circuits during repair, you should switch it off completely beforehand.
    2. Press the sleep/wake button until the "Switch off" slider appears on the display.
    3. Wipe the slider from left to right.
    4. Your iPhone will shut down completely in about ten seconds.
  2. Removing the rear case screws

    iPhone 7 - Removing the rear case screws 01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the rear case screws 02
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Pentalobe Screwdriver PL1
    Magnetic Pad
    • 2 × 3,3 mm Pentalobe
    1. Use a Pentalobe screwdriver to remove the two Pentalobe screws located to the left and right of the Lightning connector.
    2. Place the loosened screws in a screw storage.

    To avoid losing any of the disassembled parts or screws, we recommend that you use a screw store. You can use an old sewing box for this purpose. We at iDoc use a high-quality magnetic mat for our repairs, on which the removed parts can be arranged in the same way as they were installed in the phone.

    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Pentalobe Screwdriver PL1
    Magnetic Pad
  3. Heating up the display

    iPhone 7 - Heating up the display 01
    iPhone 7 - Heating up the display 02
    Used tools
    Heat gun

    iPhone 7 opens from the display. This is strongly glued to the rest of the case and must be warmed up before opening.

    1. First place your iPhone 7 on a clean, soft surface to protect the back cover from scratches.
    2. Using a hot air tool, such as a heat gun or a regular hairdryer, run it over the edge of the screen from the outside to heat the adhesive.

    As a rule of thumb, heat your device only enough to make it comfortable to touch without burning your fingers.

    Used tools
  4. Lifting up the display

    iPhone 7 - Lifting up the display 01
    iPhone 7 - Lifting up the display 02
    iPhone 7 - Lifting up the display 03
    Used tools
    Pick Set
    VAKUPLASTIC Suction Cup

    Once the iPhone 7 is opened, the warranty for dust and splash protection as well as waterproofness is void.

    1. Once the display edge is well heated, you can place a suction cup on the display at the height of the home button.
    2. Pull the suction cup upwards to create a narrow gap between the aluminium frame and the display.
    3. At the same time, insert a flat, stable tool into the resulting gap. We use a hard plastic plectrum for this purpose.
    4. Try to enlarge the gap by pushing the aluminium frame down with the tool.
    Used tools
    VAKUPLASTIC Suction Cup
  5. Detaching the display

    iPhone 7 - Detaching the display 01
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the display 02
    Used tools
    Heat gun
    Pick Set
    Flat Picks

    Be careful not to insert the picks too far on the side of the sleep/wake button, to avoid damaging the flex cable of the display.

    1. Now move the pick once around the display and slightly lift the display up so that the noses come off the aluminium frame.

    Keep heating the edge of the display and leave individual flat picks in the frame, so that the glue doesn't rebond in the already loosened areas.

    Avoid laying the display flat, otherwise the sensitive flex cables can easily be overstretched. We therefore recommend leaning the display against a stable object.

    1. Once the display is completely detached, you can carefully flip it open towards the sleep/wake button.
    Used tools
  6. Disconnecting the battery connector

    iPhone 7 - Disconnecting the battery connector 01
    iPhone 7 - Disconnecting the battery connector 02
    iPhone 7 - Disconnecting the battery connector 03
    iPhone 7 - Disconnecting the battery connector 04
    iPhone 7 - Disconnecting the battery connector 05
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
    • 1 × 2,4 mm Y-Type
    • 3 × 1,0 mm Y-Type
    • Battery connector

    Loosen the battery connector at the beginning of the repair. This will help prevent a possible short circuit and ensure that you don't accidentally turn on your iPhone 7 while you're working.

    1. Use a Y-type screwdriver to loosen the four Y-type screws and then remove the bracket plate over the battery connector.
    When detaching the battery connector start from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.
    1. Now move a plastic lever tool under the exposed battery connector and carefully lift it off. We use a plastic spudger for this purpose.
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
  7. Detaching the display connectors

    iPhone 7 - Detaching the display connectors 01
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the display connectors 02
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the display connectors 03
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the display connectors 04
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    • Display connector
    • Home button connector

    When detaching the display connectors lever from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.

    1. Now separate the two display connectors (display and home button) in the same way - also with the plastic spudger.
    Used tools
  8. Detaching the FaceTime connector

    iPhone 7 - Detaching the FaceTime connector 01
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the FaceTime connector 02
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the FaceTime connector 03
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the FaceTime connector 04
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the FaceTime connector 05
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the FaceTime connector 06
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 2 × 1,2 mm Phillips
    • FaceTime connector
    1. In the first step, remove the two Phillips screws fixing the bracket plate over the FaceTime connector and take it out.

    When detaching the FaceTime connector start from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.

    1. Now carefully separate the FaceTime connector from the logicboard with a plastic spudger.
    2. At this point you can completely remove the display and put it aside.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  9. Removing the Taptic Engine

    iPhone 7 - Removing the Taptic Engine 01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Taptic Engine 02
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Taptic Engine 03
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Taptic Engine 04
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Taptic Engine 05
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Taptic Engine 06
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Taptic Engine 07
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 2 × 1,9 mm Phillips
    • Taptic Engine connector
    • 3 × 1,5 mm Phillips
    1. Unscrew the two Phillips screws from the plastic cover and remove it.

    When detaching connectors lever from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.

    1. Then carefully lever off the Taptic Engine connector with a spudger.
    2. Now remove the three Phillips screws that secure the Taptic Engine in the back cover of your iPhone 7 and take it out.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  10. Removing the battery

    iPhone 7 - Removing the battery  01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the battery  02
    iPhone 7 - Removing the battery  03
    Used tools
    Battery Spudger
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD

    The battery is attached to the inside of the back cover with two adhesive strips. These can be pulled out by their tabs, which stick to the lower edge of the battery.

    1. First, use tweezers to remove the tabs of the adhesive strips from the battery surface.

    Hold the battery and iPhone firmly while pulling the last adhesive strip to prevent the battery from falling out of the device.

    1. Slowly pull the adhesive strips one after the other from under the battery. Keep them as flat as possible to avoid tearing.

    If one of the adhesive strips tears, we recommend that you use a battery spudger to carefully lever out the battery.

    1. Once the adhesive is removed, you can easily remove the battery from your iPhone 7 with your fingers.
    Used tools
    Battery Spudger
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  11. Removing the speaker

    iPhone 7 - Removing the speaker 01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the speaker 02
    iPhone 7 - Removing the speaker 03
    iPhone 7 - Removing the speaker 04
    iPhone 7 - Removing the speaker 05
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 2 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,9 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 3,2 mm Phillips
    • Antenna connectors

    When detaching the antenna connectors always lever from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.

    1. Carefully separate the connectors of both antenna cables from the logicboard with a spudger or tweezers.
    2. Then unscrew the four Phillips screws that hold the speaker in place.
    3. Now you can lift out the speaker and the antenna cable.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  12. Removing the iSight camera

    iPhone 7 - Removing the iSight camera 01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the iSight camera 02
    iPhone 7 - Removing the iSight camera 03
    iPhone 7 - Removing the iSight camera 04
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • Camera connector
    • 1 × 2,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips

    When detaching the camera connector lever from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.

    1. Detach the connector of the iSight camera by gently levering it off with the spudger.
    2. Unscrew the two Phillips screws of the cover plate above the camera and take it out of the case.
    3. Then use tweezers to remove the camera from its lead in the rear case.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  13. Detaching the connector of the volume control cable

    iPhone 7 - Detaching the connector of the volume control cable 01
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the connector of the volume control cable 02
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the connector of the volume control cable 03
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the connector of the volume control cable 04
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
    • 2 × 1,1 mm Y-Type
    • Volume control cable connector
    1. First loosen the two Y-type screws of the silver cover plate.

    When detaching the connector of the volume control cable always lever from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.

    1. Put the released cover plate aside and carefully separate the connector with a spudger.
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
  14. Detaching the cover of the Wi-Fi antenna

    iPhone 7 - Detaching the cover of the Wi-Fi antenna 01
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the cover of the Wi-Fi antenna 02
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the cover of the Wi-Fi antenna 03
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the cover of the Wi-Fi antenna 04
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the cover of the Wi-Fi antenna 05
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 1 × 1,6 mm Phillips
    • 3 × 1,1 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 2,1 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    1. First unscrew the four Phillips screws of the antenna cover and remove the cover.

    Note that one of the screws is screwed into the side of the back cover.

    1. Now loosen the small connecting plate under the antenna cover by removing the two Phillips screws that fix it to the logicboard.
    2. Take the detached connection plate out of the iPhone case.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  15. Removing the Wi-Fi antenna

    iPhone 7 - Removing the Wi-Fi antenna 01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Wi-Fi antenna 02
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Wi-Fi antenna 03
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Wi-Fi antenna 04
    Used tools
    Heat gun
    Pry Tool
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Steel Laboratory Spatula
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,2 mm Phillips
    • Wi-Fi antenna connector

    When detaching the connector of the Wi-Fi connector always lever from the side where there are no small components on the board. This way you avoid potential damage.

    1. First, use a spudger to detach the connector of the Wi-Fi antenna from the logicboard.
    2. Then remove the two Phillips screws that secure the flex cable.

    One of the two screws is attached to the side of the housing.

    1. Loosen the slightly stuck flex cable of the antenna by carefully sliding underneath it with a steel spatula.

    Use hot air to facilitate the removal of the flex cable.

    1. Take the detached antenna out of the rear case.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Steel Laboratory Spatula
  16. Removing the SIM tray

    iPhone 7 - Removing the SIM tray 01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the SIM tray 02
    iPhone 7 - Removing the SIM tray 03
    Used tools
    SIM Tool
    1. Take the SIM tray out of the rear case by pressing with a SIM tool or paper clip into the small hole next to the SIM tray.
    Used tools
  17. Detaching the logicboard

    iPhone 7 - Detaching the logicboard 01
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the logicboard 02
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the logicboard 03
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the logicboard 04
    iPhone 7 - Detaching the logicboard 05
    Used tools
    Pry Tool
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 2,1 mm Standoff
    • 4 × 2,0 mm Standoff
    • Lightning connector
    1. First unscrew the six screws that fix the logicboard.

    There is a special screwdriver for the stand-off screws, but the screws can also be loosened with a slotted screwdriver.

    1. Then detach the Lightning connector.
    2. Take the loosened logicboard as well as the cover plate of the flashlight underneath, out of the back cover.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  18. Removing the Lightning connector

    iPhone 7 - Removing the Lightning connector 01
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Lightning connector 02
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Lightning connector 03
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Lightning connector 04
    iPhone 7 - Removing the Lightning connector 05
    Used tools
    Heat gun
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Steel Laboratory Spatula
    • 2 × 1,6 mm Phillips
    • 2 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 2,6 mm Phillips
    1. Start by unscrewing the five Phillips screws that attach the Lightning Connector to the back cover.

    Two of the screws are screwed into the frame of the backcover and are each hidden under a black sticker.

    1. Heat the glued flex cable with hot air and carefully loosen it from the bottom of the back cover with the flat side of the spatula.
    2. Use the steel spatula to loosen both the Lightning connector and the two gold microphones connected to the same cable set.
    3. Carefully pull the Lightning connector and microphones out of their leads in the rear case frame and remove the entire cable unit.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Steel Laboratory Spatula
  19. The right tools for your repair

    With the right tools, you will succeed in any repair. In our store you will find a large selection of professional quality tools.
  20. Preparing the Lightning connector

    iPhone 7 - Preparing the Lightning connector 01

    Prepare the new Lightning connector by removing all blue and yellow protective films over the adhesive surfaces.

  21. Installing the Lightning connector

    iPhone 7 - Installing the Lightning connector 01
    iPhone 7 - Installing the Lightning connector 02
    iPhone 7 - Installing the Lightning connector 03
    iPhone 7 - Installing the Lightning connector 04
    iPhone 7 - Installing the Lightning connector 05
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 2 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 2 × 1,6 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 2,6 mm Phillips

    Make sure to align the flex cable of the Lightning connector correctly, otherwise the connector cannot be attached correctly to the logicboard. The two small white dots on the bottom of the back cover must be visible through the cut-outs in the flex cable (see Figure 4).

    1. Put the flex cable of the Lightning connector back in its original position and press it flat on the bottom of the back cover.
    2. Push the socket and the two golden microphones back into their leads on the edge of the rear case.
    3. Fasten the whole unit with five screws and the small silver bracket.

    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  22. Inserting the logicboard

    iPhone 7 - Inserting the logicboard 01
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the logicboard 02
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the logicboard 03
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the logicboard 04
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 2,1 mm Standoff
    • 4 × 2,0 mm Standoff
    1. Put the cover for the flash light on.
    2. Place the logicboard back where it was originally. The camera lead should be seated above the board.
    3. Fasten it with the screws again.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  23. Inserting the SIM tray

    iPhone 7 - Inserting the SIM tray 01
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the SIM tray 02
    1. Now slide the SIM tray back into the appropriate opening.

    If you’re having trouble sliding it in, check the position of the logicboard.

  24. Attaching the connectors

    iPhone 7 - Attaching the connectors 01
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the connectors 02
    • Lightning connector
    • Volume control cable connector

    Never connect the sensitive connectors with force.

    1. Reattach the Lightning connector and the connector of the volume control cable, so that they click into place audibly and noticeably.
  25. Installing the Wi-Fi antenna

    iPhone 7 - Installing the Wi-Fi antenna 01
    iPhone 7 - Installing the Wi-Fi antenna 02
    iPhone 7 - Installing the Wi-Fi antenna 03
    iPhone 7 - Installing the Wi-Fi antenna 04
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,2 mm Phillips
    • Antenna connector
    1. Put the Wi-Fi antenna back into its original position in the iPhone rear case and screw it tight.
    2. Press it lightly to restore the bond.
    3. Finally, reconnect the antenna connector, so that it clicks into place.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  26. Installing the antenna cover

    iPhone 7 - Installing the antenna cover 01
    iPhone 7 - Installing the antenna cover 02
    iPhone 7 - Installing the antenna cover 03
    iPhone 7 - Installing the antenna cover 04
    iPhone 7 - Installing the antenna cover 05
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 1 × 2,1 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,6 mm Phillips
    • 3 × 1,1 mm Phillips
    1. Put the small connecting plate back to its original position and screw it together with the two Phillips screws.
    2. Then put the antenna cover back on and screw it with Phillips screws as well.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  27. Installing the bracket plate

    iPhone 7 - Installing the bracket plate 01
    iPhone 7 - Installing the bracket plate 02
    iPhone 7 - Installing the bracket plate 03
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
    • 2 × 1,1 mm Y-Type
    1. Replace the silver cover over the the volume control cable connector.
    2. Screw it in with the two Y-type screws.
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
  28. Connecting the iSight camera

    iPhone 7 - Connecting the iSight camera 01
    iPhone 7 - Connecting the iSight camera 02
    iPhone 7 - Connecting the iSight camera 03
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • Camera Connector
    • 1 × 2,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    1. Put the iSight camera back into its lead in the back cover and attach its connector.
    2. Place the cover plate over the camera and screw it in place.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  29. Installing the speaker

    iPhone 7 - Installing the speaker 01
    iPhone 7 - Installing the speaker 02
    iPhone 7 - Installing the speaker 03
    iPhone 7 - Installing the speaker 04
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 2 × 1,3 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 1,9 mm Phillips
    • 1 × 3,2 mm Phillips
    • Antenna connectors

    When inserting the speaker, be careful not to pinch the antenna cables.

    1. Put the speaker back in its original place at the bottom of the back cover.
    2. Secure it with the four Phillips screws.
    3. Position the antenna cables, slide them into the lead and connect them to the board.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  30. Preparing the battery

    iPhone 7 - Preparing the battery 01
    iPhone 7 - Preparing the battery 02
    iPhone 7 - Preparing the battery 03
    iPhone 7 - Preparing the battery 04
    iPhone 7 - Preparing the battery 05
    iPhone 7 - Preparing the battery 06
    iPhone 7 - Preparing the battery 07

    The adhesive strips must be correctly aligned. Check the alignment by placing the adhesive strips in your iPhone beforehand.

    1. Remove the large blue protective film from the adhesive strips and place them centred on the bottom of the new battery, with the adhesive side facing down, .
    2. Turn the battery over and remove the small blue protective film from the adhesive tabs.
    3. Press the tabs firmly on the edge of the battery and turn the battery over again.
    4. Now pull the remaining pink protective film from the adhesive strips.
  31. Inserting the battery

    iPhone 7 - Inserting the battery 01
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the battery 02
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the battery 03
    1. Insert the battery back into the rear case of your iPhone 7. Use the battery connector to replace the battery.

    Position the battery, so that it is slightly off the frame on all sides.

  32. Inserting the Taptic Engine

    iPhone 7 - Inserting the Taptic Engine 01
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the Taptic Engine 02
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the Taptic Engine 03
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the Taptic Engine 04
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the Taptic Engine 05
    iPhone 7 - Inserting the Taptic Engine 06
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • 3 × 1,5 mm Phillips
    • Taptic Engine Connector
    • 2 × 1,9 mm Phillips
    1. Put the Taptic Engine back to its original position between the battery and the Lightning connector.
    2. Fix the Taptic Engine with the three Phillips screws.
    3. Then attach the Taptic Engine connector.
    4. Finally, place the plastic cover back over the connector and secure it with the two Phillips screws.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  33. Attach the adhesive frame

    iPhone 7 - Attach the adhesive frame 01
    iPhone 7 - Attach the adhesive frame 02
    iPhone 7 - Attach the adhesive frame 03
    iPhone 7 - Attach the adhesive frame 04
    iPhone 7 - Attach the adhesive frame 05
    iPhone 7 - Attach the adhesive frame 06
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD

    Despite the attachment of a new adhesive frame, your iPhone 7 is no longer 100% waterproof after repair.

    We will show how to attach the adhesive frame using iPhone 8 as an example. The process is the same for iPhone 7.

    1. To make sure the new adhesive frame fits properly, you must first remove all old adhesive residue from the back cover and display frame.
    2. Try placing the adhesive frame on the back cover to align it correctly.

    The corners of the glue frame differ and help to align it correctly.

    1. Remove the first large protective film from the bottom of the adhesive frame.
    2. Then place it on one side of the back cover frame and press it down firmly one by one.
    3. Finally, remove the remaining protective film from the adhesive frame, leaving only a thin, transparent adhesive film on the edge of the back cover.
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  34. Attaching the the FaceTime connector

    iPhone 7 - Attaching the the FaceTime connector 01
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the the FaceTime connector 02
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the the FaceTime connector 03
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the the FaceTime connector 04
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    • FaceTime connector
    • 2 × 1,2 mm Phillips
    1. To reconnect the display unit to the logicboard, first place it upright at the top of the back cover.
    2. Reattach the connector of the FaceTime camera by gently pressing it with your finger until it clicks into place.
    3. Once the connector is attached, you can place the display on the side of the back cover.

    Just as with detaching the FaceTime connector, it is recommended to lean the display against a stable object to prevent the flex cables from overstretching.

    1. Finally, put the bracket plate back on the FaceTime connector and fix it with the two Phillips screws.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Phillips Screwdriver PH00
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
  35. Connecting the display

    iPhone 7 - Connecting the display 01
    iPhone 7 - Connecting the display 02
    iPhone 7 - Connecting the display 03
    iPhone 7 - Connecting the display 04
    iPhone 7 - Connecting the display 05
    iPhone 7 - Connecting the display 06
    • Display connector
    • Home button connector
    1. Reconnect the home button and display connector to the logicboard.
  36. Attaching the battery connector

    iPhone 7 - Attaching  the battery connector 01
    iPhone 7 - Attaching  the battery connector 02
    iPhone 7 - Attaching  the battery connector 03
    iPhone 7 - Attaching  the battery connector 04
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
    • Connector
    • 1 × 2,4 mm Y-Type
    • 3 × 1,0 mm Y-Type
    1. Now also reconnect the battery connector.
    2. Then put the bracket plate back on the battery connector and fix it with the four Y-type screws.
    Used tools
    Piergiacomi Tweezers 2a SA ESD
    Wiha PicoFinish Y-Type Screwdriver Y000
  37. Attaching the display

    iPhone 7 - Attaching the display 01
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the display 02
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the display 03
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the display 04
    iPhone 7 - Attaching the display 05
    • Wrong position
    • Right position
    1. Place the display on the side of the back cover frame and carefully fold it over.
    2. Make sure that the silver chip on the cable is in exactly the same position as before (see photo). If the chip is in the wrong position, discolorations and spots will appear on the screen after installation. In this case, you have to adjust the position of the cable again.

    3. Slide the display in the direction of the sleep/wake button so that the lugs on the display hook properly into the back cover.
    4. Then press the display into the frame over its entire surface.
  38. Fastening the rear case screws

    iPhone 7 - Fastening the rear case screws  01
    iPhone 7 - Fastening the rear case screws  02
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Pentalobe Screwdriver PL1
    • 2 × 3,3 mm Pentalobe
    1. Now fasten the two Pentalobe screws again left and right of the Lightning connector.
    Used tools
    Wiha PicoFinish Pentalobe Screwdriver PL1
Ø 5 (16 Ratings)

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