The standby button or the volume keys no longer work.

The SHIFT6m is designed to be especially repair-friendly and can therefore be easily repaired by yourself!

Make a backup before the repair, use a clean work surface and take enough time. If you are stuck at any point, simply contact our live chat or write a comment on the corresponding step.

Required tools

  • Tweezers


    We recommend using tweezers to remove screws and various small parts from your device.

    on Amazon
  • Pick Set

    Pick Set

    You need a flat but stable tool such as a pick to pry out parts that are glued in place.

    from €14.99 on Amazon
  • Steel Laboratory Spatula

    Steel Laboratory Spatula

    You need a flat and sturdy prying tool to disconnect glued parts.

    on Amazon
  • Wiha PicoFinish Torx Screwdriver T3

    Wiha PicoFinish Torx Screwdriver T3

    from €10.08 on Amazon
Show all replacement parts for the SHIFT6m 

Getting started with the repair of your SHIFT6m

If you get stuck or have questions, you can post a comment. We’d be happy to help.

14 steps
  1. Switch off the device

    SHIFT6m - Switch off the device 01
    SHIFT6m - Switch off the device 02
    SHIFT6m - Switch off the device 03
    1. Turn off your device by holding down the power button until the “Power off” option appears.
    2. Use your finger to confirm that you want to shut down your SHIFT6m and wait until the screen goes blank.
  2. Remove the back cover

    SHIFT6m - Remove the back cover 01
    SHIFT6m - Remove the back cover 02
    SHIFT6m - Remove the back cover 03
    SHIFT6m - Remove the back cover 04

    The backcover of the SHIFT6m is not glued or screwed and can be removed without tools.

    However, you can also use a plectrum to loosen the clips along the entire edge.

    1. Use a plectrum or a fingernail to slide it into the small recess in the bottom left corner and pull up the backcover.
    2. Then gradually loosen all clips all around. The back cover is hooked again around the fingerprint sensor. There you have to pull a little harder to loosen the backcover.
  3. Remove the battery

    SHIFT6m - Remove the battery 01
    SHIFT6m - Remove the battery 02
    SHIFT6m - Remove the battery 03

    You can easily remove the battery by lifting it by the notch in the lower right corner and removing it from the device.

  4. Remove the display

    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 01
    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 02
    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 03
    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 04
    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 05
    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 06
    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 07
    SHIFT6m - Remove the display 08
    • 16 × 4,0 mm Torx T3
    • 2 × 4,0 mm Torx T3
    • Display connector

    The display is attached to the entire frame with many screws of the same length. On two screws there can be a small white sticker.

    1. Loosen all screws with a Torx T3 screwdriver.
    2. Then turn the SHIFT6m over and slide a plectrum or your fingernail between the plastic frame and the display.
    3. Slide around the entire display once to gradually release it.

    The display is connected to the motherboard with a long flex cable.

    1. Carefully fold the display down and place it on the frame.
    2. Loosen the two screws on the cover plate above the display contact.
    3. Then you can carefully loosen the plug of the display with a plastic spudger and finally put the display aside.
  5. Remove the mainboard

    SHIFT6m - Remove the mainboard 01
    SHIFT6m - Remove the mainboard 02
    SHIFT6m - Remove the mainboard 03
    SHIFT6m - Remove the mainboard 04
    SHIFT6m - Remove the mainboard 05
    SHIFT6m - Remove the mainboard 06
    SHIFT6m - Remove the mainboard 07
    • 2 × 4,0 mm Torx T3
    • Connector
    • Standby/Volume Connector

    All other components such as cameras, SIM card slot, antennas and charging socket are connected to the motherboard.

    To remove the board you must first disconnect all contacts.

    1. Loosen the contact of the black antenna by turning the tweezers. Do not lever off the contact with the spudger as this could damage the socket on the board.
    2. Carefully separate the contact of the ribbon cable running across the device with a spudger.
    3. Loosen both screws.
    4. Lever the main board on the left side slightly upwards and then carefully fold it over to the other side.

    This releases the plug contact for the fingerprint sensor, which is located in the middle of the motherboard.

    Attention, on the back side the control buttons are still connected with a short flex cable.

    1. Loosen the connector carefully with the Spudger and remove the motherboard from the device.
  6. Remove the plastic holder

    SHIFT6m - Remove the plastic holder 01
    SHIFT6m - Remove the plastic holder 02
    SHIFT6m - Remove the plastic holder 03
    SHIFT6m - Remove the plastic holder 04
    SHIFT6m - Remove the plastic holder 05

    The flex cable for the control keys of the SHIFT6m is mounted on a plastic holder.

    1. Slide a flat tool such as the steel spatula between the holder and the frame to lever out the holder.
    2. Carefully and gradually lever the plastic in several places to prevent it from breaking.
  7. Remove the control button flex cable

    SHIFT6m - Remove the control button flex cable 01
    SHIFT6m - Remove the control button flex cable 02
    SHIFT6m - Remove the control button flex cable 03
    SHIFT6m - Remove the control button flex cable 04
    1. The flex cable of the control buttons is glued to the plastic holder.
    2. Use a tool to drive under the cable to loosen it and then remove it.
  8. The right tools for your repair

    With the right tools, you will succeed in any repair. In our store you will find a large selection of professional quality tools.
  9. Install the control button flex cable

    SHIFT6m - Install the control button flex cable 01
    SHIFT6m - Install the control button flex cable 02
    SHIFT6m - Install the control button flex cable 03
    SHIFT6m - Install the control button flex cable 04
    1. Glue the new flex cable of the control buttons onto the plastic carrier.

    You can use thin, double-sided adhesive tape if the spare part does not have its own adhesive.

  10. Insert the plastic holder

    SHIFT6m - Insert the plastic holder 01
    SHIFT6m - Insert the plastic holder 02
    SHIFT6m - Insert the plastic holder 03
    SHIFT6m - Insert the plastic holder 04
    1. Place the plastic holder with the flex cable on the side back into the upper part of the device.
    2. Press it down evenly until it sits correctly and snaps into place everywhere.
  11. Install the mainboard

    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 01
    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 02
    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 03
    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 04
    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 05
    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 06
    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 07
    SHIFT6m - Install the mainboard 08
    • Standby/Volume Connector
    • 2 × 4,0 mm Torx T3
    • Connector
    1. Place the motherboard on the right side upside down.
    2. Connect the control button contact.
    3. Then flip the motherboard over and press lightly until it sits properly in the device and the fingerprint sensor contact clicks into place.

    Be careful not to pinch any cables under the circuit board.

    1. Attach the two screws to secure the motherboard.
    2. Then connect the ribbon cable by positioning the plug exactly over the contact on the motherboard and then pressing.
    3. To make it easier to connect the black antenna cable you can position it with a pair of tweezers and press it down with the Spudger.
  12. Install the display

    SHIFT6m - Install the display 01
    SHIFT6m - Install the display 02
    SHIFT6m - Install the display 03
    SHIFT6m - Install the display 04
    SHIFT6m - Install the display 05
    SHIFT6m - Install the display 06
    • Display connector
    • 2 × 4,0 mm Torx T3
    • 16 × 4,0 mm Torx T3
    1. Place the display on the frame and position the display connector over its contact on the motherboard.
    2. Carefully push the connector down.

    The connector should engage directly with a slight click. If this does not work immediately, do not try to push the connector down with force. Reposition the connector and try again.

    1. Put on the silver cover and screw it in place.
    2. Flip the display over and press it all around until it sits correctly in the frame.
    3. Then reinstall all screws.
  13. Insert the battery

    SHIFT6m - Insert the battery 01
    SHIFT6m - Insert the battery 02
    SHIFT6m - Insert the battery 03

    Put the battery back in its place.

  14. Attach the back cover

    SHIFT6m - Attach the back cover 01
    SHIFT6m - Attach the back cover 02
    SHIFT6m - Attach the back cover 03
    SHIFT6m - Attach the back cover 04

    Put the back cover back on.

    1. The back cover has clips on the edge and around the opening of the fingerprint sensor.
    2. Press the backcover everywhere until it fits properly.
  15. Test the device

    SHIFT6m - Test the device 01
    SHIFT6m - Test the device 02
    SHIFT6m - Test the device 03
    SHIFT6m - Test the device 04
    1. Turn on your device and test the display brightness by sliding the brightness slider to minimum and maximum.
    2. Then rag any app across the screento test the touch function. Pull the app around the entire edge and then zigzag it across the screen. The app should always follow your finger.
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