

Whether it's fixing the screen, the battery or anything else - with detailed step-by-step instructions, you're in safe hands during your mobile phone repair.


iPhone Plus



No matter what challenge you're facing - whether it's replacing the screen on your Apple Watch, changing the battery on your iPhone, or other defects that are bothering you: With detailed step-by-step instructions produced by experienced technicians, you're in safe hands when it comes to mobile phone repair.

Profi-Insights & Tipps für deine erfolgreiche Handy-Reparatur

iDoc schenkt dir den ultimativen Reparatur-Guide GUIDE GRATIS ANFORDERN

Profi-Insights & Tipps für deine erfolgreiche Handy-Reparatur

iDoc schenkt dir den ultimativen Reparatur-Guide GUIDE GRATIS ANFORDERN